B.Arch - 1st Year (Semester 2)
Arwa Lakdawala
Jeevika Chahande
Saniya Bijwe
Sejal Thakre
Purty Chopra
2nd Sem.Elective B (photography) 2021-22
Teachers In charge- Prof. Atula Patwardhan, Ar.Poornima Dehpande
Vision – All architecture students can prosper by learning to see light and how light alters the visual impact of architectural forms. Just as drawing allows students to refine their vision and perspective teaches how we see, the camera allows for yet another discipline to organically create with architecture and light.
This course will teach students to create successful images of exterior architecture, interior architectural design, as well as architectural models.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course each student will possess the following skills:
- Comprehensive understanding of Photography.
- Heightened sensitivity to light and how it strengthens architectural design
- Ability to use High Dynamic Range (HDR): multiple exposures to create dramatic architecture/interior images without additional professional lighting.
Intermediate ability to photograph architectural models and small products, including a studio set up with studio lighting and possibly strobe lighting.